Tag Archives: Nutrition

All-natural beauty product

8 Apr


If I spend any more time customizing my page, I  probably won’t ever get around to blogging at all!  So I decided to finally give that a rest and  get started!

For those of you who were kind enough to read my pages, I’m sure you have a bit of an idea as to what kind of topics I plan to include in my blog, so it should be no surprise to you that my post includes a picture my number one beauty product: Water.  Don’t look so baffled! It mightn’t be a topical cream that could easily be identified as a  ‘beauty product’, but it truly is an all-natural product that keeps your body well hydrated and prevents your skin cells from becoming dry and looking flaky.

The reason why I consider this as my number one beauty product is because every time I include more water in my diet, my skin clears up significantly.  Unfortunately for me, I happen to be one of the  unlucky ones in the family who has oily skin so extra maintenance is a must!! To be completely honest with you I find that the auld  ”8 glasses of water” actually does indeed work and at the end of the day, the health of your skin really does start with a healthy nutrition so if you could get your 8 glasses in every day, you wouldn’t be too far from consuming a healthy diet.

I’d imagine that 8 glasses of water a day would require a good bit of effort for some people, so I discovered that having a glass before and after every meal would probably be the easiest way to go about in doing so! Lets say you have 3 meals a day,  if you apply this theory you will have already gone through 6 glasses!  The other two can be taken if you feel guilty after having too many sweets or too much dessert like cheesecake  (I’m a recovering cheesecake addict!)

It really isn’t that difficult. Give it a try tomorrow and see how you get on, the first day is usually the hardest, but eventually you’ll get used to it! Think of it as your natural beauty source, after all it’s inexpensive, natural and with some ice cubes it can be very refreshing!


What’s your favorite all-natural beauty product at the moment? 

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